How old was bruce wayne when his parents died. did not truly appreciate his father's legacy, although he did train to the same levels both physically and mentally (as did Dick Grayson, who became Wayne, Sr. How old was bruce wayne when his parents died

 did not truly appreciate his father's legacy, although he did train to the same levels both physically and mentally (as did Dick Grayson, who became Wayne, SrHow old was bruce wayne when his parents died  The Batman Family will never be the same, now that Bruce Wayne has finally lost what matters most: Alfred Pennyworth

Yes, seriously. in honor of the exact moment Thomas and Martha Wayne died. And a legacy of philanthropy, but that's also Bruce's way of. Published Aug 6, 2020. Early life. The poster is for the 1940 version of the. In the latest issue of DC Comics' Nightwing, Dick Grayson's origins have been changed, particularly the deaths of his parents. Published Sep 24, 2020. Learn about the parents of Batman, the wealthy and philanthropic couple who died in a mugging in 1981. Due to Damian spending his gestation in a laboratory, he was raised by his mother, Talia, until he was 10, at which point she left him in the care of his father,. For all he is, ever since that night he made that promise in the candlelight, he's not been Bruce Wayne. Leslie Thompkins. His death was announced by his gallery, Acquavella. the electric city. He strove to keep his brothers from fighting over the cowl and to keep Gotham safe. The "Gotham: Dawn of Darkness" tie-in novel retconned him as being 14 when his parents died. The Batman - Part II is guaranteed to bring back its main cast, composed of Robert Pattinson's Bruce Wayne, Andy Serkis' Aldred Pennyworth, and Jeffrey Wright's. Tim is 15 years old, according to Oracle in “Bruce Wayne: Murderer. In the previous arc, "Endgame," Bruce Wayne nearly died facing the Joker and awoke with amnesia. But just for curiosity's sake, if Bruce Wayne's parents were killed outside a theater in 2001, what movie. Being the Batman, Bruce Wayne is in peak physical shape and, to Talia, a perfect specimen to father her super-child. At age 20, he attempted to join the FBI, but after learning about its regulations and conduct, Wayne deducted that he would never be able to completely oppose crime while working within the legal system. published 8 January 2016. until The Riddler's plots puncture that decades-old ideal. In Detective Comics #33 the origin of the character was told. WARNING: This article contains SPOILERS for Batman #47. Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links. Since 2018, Wayne Johnson has ensured that Santa is in Manistee's Victorian Sleighbell parade and at his headquarters. Poor dude had to watch his parents die right after learning the importance of family. 4 years ago. (Dick is twelve-years-old when his folks. Part 17 of Batfam. It all began with that classic origin that we first saw in Detective Comics #33 by Bill Finger and Bob Kane. Bruce Wayne was born in 1973 to Thomas and Martha Wayne. A glimpse into an alternate universe where Bruce Wayne and his brother Tohmas suffer the death of their parents together, but this time Tommy is innocent. But it still makes Bruce Wayne 37. Batman may end up saving the day and defeating Bane once. In DC Comics, Batman is often considered to be the true face of Bruce Wayne, and in an altered reality where the incident that triggered his long journey towards vigilantism never happened, Bruce has not only eschewed donning the iconic cape and cowl, but has also become a total coward on. Dick becomes Robin at 12 while Batman is 32. Bruce Wayne was born on February 19, 1970 to Martha and Thomas Wayne. Lost Parents 1986 8 years old. This changes things. By the 1600s, Bruce's ancestors had made the trip across the pond to what would one day become the United States of America. Best Answer. In Batman's opening narration, he says it is "Thursday, October 31st" which places the film in 2024 and the. In 1981, after watching Excalibur with his parents, a mugger holds his parents at gunpoint, shooting both dead after a struggle in front of Bruce. Ra's al Ghul was a mentor and trainer to Bruce Wayne under the name Henri Ducard and recruited him into the League of Shadows to destroy Gotham City. Martha Wayne (née Kane) is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, commonly in association with the superhero Batman. Harley repeatedly decries Bruce Wayne's inability to cope with his parents' death in a healthy way. After his parents' deaths, Alfred would raise Bruce as if he were his own son, and Bruce would eventually come to see Alfred as every bit his father as Thomas was. Movies: How Did Bruce Wayne Become Batman? Jun 19, 2005 at 8:00 PM EDT. In other canons, it wasn't the Joker. Bruce was already Batman when he adopted Dick Grayson. Anthony Wayne (January 1, 1745 – December 15, 1796) was an American soldier, officer, statesman, and a Founding Father of the United States. Bruce's parents were killed 15 years before becoming Batman. Nerdist Industries. According to The Batman director Matt Reeves in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Robert Pattinson's Bruce Wayne was written to be around 30 years old. Also, my favorite movie of all time, cheers!. When he was a young child, he visited the circus for the first time with his parents. As DC's Dark Knight continues his crime-fighting crusade around the world in the the ongoing comic series Batman, he recently shared a previously untold story from his traumatic past involving the man who murdered his parents: Joe Chill. Upside: Seemingly endless wealth. Wayne Irving, a 67-year-old foster carer from the Scenic Rim, was taken to Ipswich Hospital in an ambulance with abdominal pain last Thursday. In his early youth he was content to learn within the confines of Gotham City, self-studying volumes of books and training his body around his family's estate. Barbara Gordon – 26 Years Old. . Joe Chill was created by Batman creators Bob Kane and Bill Finger, first appearing in Detective Comics #33. Theories abound over what movie Bruce Wayne’s parents were killed after seeing in ‘The Batman’ [13] 15 Batman: The Dark Knight’s untold history with Joe Chill, the man who murdered. When Bruce was eight years old, his parents took him to a screening of The Mark of Zorro at a cinema in Gotham's Park Row. proved every bit as capable of being Batman as his dad was. The Drakes asked the Flying Graysons for a photo together, resulting in a momentary bond between Tim and Dick Grayson as they met for the first time. Tim is still mentioned as being 13 (going on 14) and is shown to be starting high school in Batman #448 (1990). With Batman Beyond: Neo-Year just around the corner, Terry has his work cut out for him in tracking down Bruce’s killer. Martha Wayne is a horrible crazy old hag <shudders> ash007. If anything, he would. Martha Wayne, née Martha Kane was the wife of Dr. From Pre-Crisis to Modern Age, New 52 to Rebirth and beyond, Chill is the man that killed Thomas and. Thomas Wayne "Don't be afraid"Family Issues; Bruce Wayne Drinking; Batfamily Angst (DCU) Batfamily (DCU) Non-Linear Narrative; Flashbacks;. Reply davis2110 •2 After Losing His Memory, Alfred Did Not Tell Bruce About Batman. Following the Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne and Flashpoint events, Bruce Wayne returned to his role as Batman, while Dick resumed as Nightwing. A: Before his death, Thomas Wayne was a doctor, philanthropist and the father of Bruce Wayne. Other than that, there's not much that comic fans know about Bruce Wayne's parents. Barbara Gordon – 26 Years Old. a. His skin is not bulletproof. At 8 years old, Bruce Wayne's parents were gunned down by a mugger on their way back home from the movie theatre, watching Zorro. . Because at first glance, this seems to make sense. In Season 1, he was said to be around 12 or 13. After investigating his father when he hears rumors of his criminal past, Bruce finds out Joe didn't act alone. He is a Batman just finding his feet in Gotham as a hero, struggling to work out his identity. The original Batman (Bruce Wayne) discovers his father's actions and disassociates himself with Thomas. When his parents were shot the guy gave Bruce wink and said "Ka-chow!"New set photos confirm that we will once again sit through the death of Bruce Wayne's parents in a movie starring Batman. It. Spoilers ahead for Nightwing #82. Tim Drake was little more than a toddler when he attended the circus with his parents. The devastation Joker and his crew could unleash on Gotham with even a fifth of Wayne's fortune is unfathomable. Tim's birthday is on July 19th. Beginning with Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne made a habit of. 18,558. Nobody is ever over the death of a loved family member people just learn to live with it. Batman #47 opens with an emaciated Booster still a prisoner of Bruce Wayne, who has spent the last year paying his best employees to repair Skeets. Well, he finish school at age 24. While their 8-year-old son watched their brutal death take place, Bruce's life would never be the same. "Citizens of Gotham City. While the comic itself would present different reasons for this crime over the decades - from a simple mugging gone wrong to Chill being hired by the mob to perform the hit - the results were the same. In Batman Year One it’s revealed that Bruce spent 18 years abroad after the death of his parents, travelling and learning martial arts, before returning home to Gotham city. *10:47pm. Bruce Wayne was born to billionaires Thomas and Martha Wayne on February 19th, 1995. Until Frank Miller changed it, Alfred wasn't even working for the Waynes. Alfred and Bruce later find a secret cave underneath Wayne Manor belonging to his father. But just how old was Bruce Wayne when his parents died? There is some debate on this point, as Batman’s origin story has been retold and rebooted numerous times over the years. CryptoThe omniverse just hates 9 year old Bruce Wayne I guess. The character's origin was first depicted in Detective Comics #33 (Nov. Warning: spoilers for Batman:. I have a suggestion that became an obsession of mine as a young 9 year old. Social Services was against this arrangement but money in the right places took care of any issues. Bruce Wayne and the Buddha. Watching an 8-year-old boy trying to burn himself and sitting in a swimming pool until he nearly drowns is frustrating to see as everyone fears for his wellbeing. The Batman (real name Bruce Wayne) was a tireless, courageous, and honorable crimefighter operating out of Gotham City. The family had been out together when a mugger approached them, demanding Martha’s pearl necklace and then violently shooting both of. Batman: Arkham Asylum (2009) Phantasmagoric visions swirl through video game “Batman: Arkham Asylum” as a drugged. 31-year-old Terry McGinnis breaks into the high-security home of Amanda Waller (now a very old woman). She looks up to Bruce, and they have a very loving relationship. When the Riddler releases his video on Thomas and. Harvey and Gordon tell Bruce that Professor Strange was involved in his parent's death. In Batman Year One it’s revealed that Bruce spent 18 years abroad after the death of his parents, travelling and learning martial arts, before returning home to Gotham cityHis company and board of directors hid this all from him, in the same way Bruce can hide Batman-related activities in mountains of paperwork. The marquee sign at the Monarch Theater also reveals that the Wayne family were enjoying The Mark of Zorro before Thomas and Martha's tragic deaths. She almost. She tearfully confesses to him that she saw his parents die and did nothing, and rejects his attempts to comfort her. Bruce died in the alley with his parents. Find out their age, net worth, height, and other facts about their lives and legacy. Tim’s next appearance is his debut in Batman #440-441 (1989) where he is 13-years-old. Past Batman films have explored the lasting trauma of a young Bruce Wayne witnessing his parents’ murder, but they oftentimes move past Bruce’s origin story to emphasize his adult life as a superhero and playboy façade. Yeah, by this point it does feel a little overdone, but that doesn't take away from the fact that their deaths created Batman. How did Bruce Wayne become Batman? That question is answered, in meticulous detail, in Christopher ("Memento. The same. P. Bruce was only 6 years old when he fell into that well, and his parents died only two years later. He had. She was one of. Movies: How Did Bruce Wayne Become Batman? Jun 19, 2005 at 8:00 PM EDT. Frustrated by the lack of attention from his new guardian and the mystery still surrounding his parents' death, Dick snuck out of Wayne Manor one evening to solve the crime on his own - only to stumble into. Six years later Dick Grayson arrives on the scene. Written by Batman co-creator Bill Finger, it depicts a young Bruce Wayne witnessing his parents' murder at the hands of a mugger. The murder traumatizes Bruce, inspiring his vow to avenge their deaths by fighting crime in Gotham City as. Falcone's father Vincent Falcone came to Wayne Manor and begged Thomas. Aubrey O’Day Says She’s Been ‘Trying to Tell Y’all’ About Diddy; The ‘Real’ Nathan Fielder Demands a New York Times Correction; Nobody Told Hallmark Channel That Cable Is Dead12. The playboy life and pretending not to care about Gotham is an act. NEXT: 10 Ways Nightwing Is. She is the. AU Batman beats him by saying that in their super authoritarian world "No eight year old boy will ever lose his parents because of some punk with a gun. WindDancer. ago. Dick was adopted at 8. Then, you can act. Bruce Wayne's parent's die in "Batman Begins. More than 250,000 Twitter users “liked” the [idea]. Mar 5, 2022. You are reading abouthow old was batman when his parents died. . Terry. She will be only a couple months old when their parents die. 1948: The Killer was Joe Chill: Almost ten years after co-creating the character, Bill Finger returned to Batman's origin in 'The Origin of the Batman!'(Batman #47) and expanded on it further. And 30 is a bit old. Like any ordinary human being, Bruce Wayne can die. West, who was at. The youngest in a family of acrobats known as the " Flying Graysons ", Grayson witnesses a mafia boss named Tony Zucco kill his parents to extort money from the circus that employed them. ago. The Batman 2022: The film Bruce Wayne watched the night his parents’ were murdered. By Michael Jung. Conroy went on to voice the. in honor of the exact moment Thomas and Martha Wayne died. The fact that guys rarely look poorly shaven in old photographs suggests that maybe we don't need to keep increasing the. In Batman's opening narration, he says it is "Thursday, October 31st" which places the film in 2024 and the. 8. Forbes ranks him as the 26th-richest person in the world. In the Batman comics, Joe Chill was revealed as the killer of Bruce Wayne's parents. History. First appearing in Batman #357 in March 1983, he was created to succeed Dick Grayson as Robin, Batman's partner and sidekick. Some sources say that he was in his early 70s, while others claim he was in his late. When he left, she stayed with Alfred. Look, the event of his parents' death is tragic, but the scream at the end of this one will always make me laugh. Thomas Wayne was the father of Bruce Wayne and husband of Martha Wayne. Thomas Wayne died from the injuries sustained, also I'd imagine it would kick-in harder if both parents still died. His company and board of directors hid this all from him, in the same way Bruce can hide Batman-related activities in mountains of paperwork. In a feature spotlighting writers using plots fans thought of for years, discover what would have happened to Bruce Wayne had his parents not died. The Court Member that Bruce encounters sadistically teases Bruce over his parent's death, specifically mentioning that Thomas Wayne had hidden something in Martha Wayne's. 14 Batman Is Electrocuted Again By Elmo Galvan (May 1992) In Detective Comics #644 by Chuck Dixon, Tom Lyle, Scott Hanna, Adrienne Roy, and John Costanza, Batman tracks down a criminal named Elmo Galvan who has been. Having acted as a member of the Justice Society of America and fought various criminals in his own city for many years, he also trained proteges in Huntress and Robin, and left behind a legacy of justice and honor. Series. He was born into a wealthy family and had all the advantages that came with it. Tommy and Bruce Wayne were childhood friends, and unbeknownst to Bruce, dark reflections of each other. Bruce Wayne was born in Gotham City to Thomas Wayne, a billionaire socialite employed as a doctor, and Martha Wayne, a debutante, and grew up on his the family's Wayne Manor estate apart from. Year Four Dick Grayson becomes Robin just before he turns 11 in March. Since it's been seen numerous times before, the killing of Thomas and Martha Wayne isn't shown in the movie. ago. Lex Luthor was. He meets Batman and Nightwing and becomes the new Robin. Subsequent. At the time, Dick was training a vigilante called Tarantula. Initially sharing a similar origin to Grayson, his character's origin was rewritten after the Crisis on Infinite Earths event. By the 1600s, Bruce's ancestors had made the trip across the pond to what would one day become the United States of America. How old should he be exactly when he's parents were killed? Year One stated that he was 6 years old which a O always found it odd since. Without further ado, here are the top ten things you didn't know about Bruce Wayne's parents. Bruce Returns as Batman, James Gordon Retires (Batman: The Dark Knight Returns): Bruce Wayne – 48 Years Old. In Robin #116, Tim celebrates his Sweet 16. Confusing the issue further is the age given for Selina. So this tragic story ends with more questions than answers and the information increasingly hard to find. Yeah I believe Miller has it stated that Bruce basically wasn’t in Gotham at all for most of his adolescence in Year One and only spoke to Alfred through letters. Cover of Batman #676, the first issue of the arc, art by Alex Ross. Eventually, he meets a mysterious figure named Ra's Al Guhl and joins his gang called the League. In different iterations, Bruce’s age can vary slightly, but to say he was eight at the time of his parents’ murder is considered right. Downside: An extremely dark psyche plagued by childhood tragedy. The Wayne murders did indeed shake the criminal underworld of Gotham City. However, there's a strong contender for who might've shot Bruce's parents, as well as some. So I will say he was 11-12. is seldom shown outside of Bruce Wayne's and Alfred Pennyworth's memories of him, and Bruce's dreams and nightmares. Nov 13, 2023. , we look at some particularly inexplicable ages that Bruce Wayne apparently was when his parents died. Jason Todd – 15 Years Old (Died before his Birthday) Carrie Kelley – 3 Years Old. Batman is who he is. His net worth is 9 billion. The death of Bruce Wayne's parents led to the creation of batman. 1 How old was Bruce Wayne when his parents died in Batman Begins?If only one parent survived, this could have made them all the more determined that Bruce would never have to be exposed to the dangers of the world. A kid in a huge mansion. By the time Bruce met Alfred, he was already Batman. He knows lots of Robins. 75 years old. Thomas and Martha Wayne have been gunned down by an known mugger. They instilled their virtues in their son as best as they could, but their time with Bruce was tragically cut short after leaving the Monarch Theater and walking through the infamous Gotham City's infamous Crime Alley. Even while stepping in to fill a role he never wanted, Dick stayed true to himself enough to be the father to Damian Wayne that Bruce never was for him. Batman has been infamous for his seemingly endless list of resources, money, and connections, but many fans are still eager to know how rich Bruce Wayne really is. He was. Chill later rose in power in the criminal underworld, becoming a crime boss by the time Bruce became Batman. Golden Age. Bruce Wayne, also known as Batman, was a costumed vigilante who is known to be cruel and brutal in his methods. However, in World's Finest #223, Thomas Wayne Jr -- three years older than Bruce -- was introduced. While Damian is Batman’s only biological son, at some point each of the others were adopted by Batman; again, it’s not completely clear if that holds true post-Flashpoint. After returning from the theatre, the Wayne family was stopped by a mugger, Joe Chill, in an abandoned street. Gotham. You're, uh, you're Bruce Wayne, the Prince of Gotham; you'd have to go a thousand miles. This makes me feel so old. This followed Bruce smashing Booster's time-traveling robot Skeets (back in Batman #45) and ended with Wayne putting the time traveler himself into chains. In this origin story, Bruce Wayne’s parents were killed because they entered a bad part of Gotham City. It leads to Batman and Robin, a muddled mess of a sequel in which Batman continues to be Batman for no real reason beyond, well, a billionaire needs a hobby. Dr. Martha Wayne (née Kane) is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, commonly in association with the superhero Batman. Shot. However, the first episode of the brand-new series suggests that there are. However, eventually, he got discharged and quit being a soldier. Not a legal Wayne but Bruce must have arranged some fortune around. In a world where the Justice League was nearly destroyed after the death of Martian Manhunter, Batman is still struggling to come to terms with the hero's demise. Thomas Wayne saved the life of gangster Carmine Falcone. Bruce Wayne was a kid when his parents died in both films (and in most or. His most notable spell as Batman follows Bruce Wayne's supposed death in Final Crisis, and sees Grayson adopt Damian Wayne as his Robin. The hero known as Batman is portrayed by Bruce Wayne, and he has been for most of the past 80 years. She seems unsurprised to see him and insists on telling the story at her own pace. It isn't known exactly when he left Gotham to begin his training, but it was most likely during his early to mid-20s. 's junior partner Robin). Something went wrong. S. This would make him around 35 years old in present day. This event is what drives him to become the Dark Knight. For all he is, ever since that night he made that promise in the candlelight, he's not been Bruce Wayne. In Robin II: Joker’s Wild #1 (1991) and Batman #471 (1991), the implication is that. His Scottish ancestor, Nathaniel Wayne, ended up in a colony that would. 1 Bruce Wayne: 43-years-old. His resources have afforded Bruce a life as a successful crime fighter, and Wayne's fortune makes up for his lack of numbers or lack of super physical attributes. Thomas Wayne ran for mayor in 2001, was shot in 2001, Pattinson has said multiple times that Bruce was 10 when his parents were killed, The Batman takes place 20 years after the death of the Waynes, so 10 years old plus 20 years means Bruce is 30 in The BatmanAs a child, a young Bruce Wayne witnesses the death of his parents at the hands of a crazed criminal. ". In Bruce Wayne's mind, his parents were good people trying their best who never did anything to deserve what happened to them. Like any ordinary human being, Bruce Wayne can die. He can die from the same things that could cause any of to die. He was a well-known surgeon, philanthropist and CEO of Wayne Enterprises (which he inherited from his own father, after his father made patients on on industrial technology, which he invested in real estate making the family billions). Reply For more information, see our ethics policy. " Gus Lewis. This story of the Buddha was told to a young, college-age Bruce Wayne in the novelization of Batman Begins (written by comic book legend Denny O’Neil). I remember seeing news clips of Thomas Wayne running for Mayor in 2001, so I don’t think he died in 1999. Mortality is what makes Batman such an enduring character. The heroes of this world fight for the Little League. Robert Pattinson will improve upon not only Batman but Bruce Wayne in Matt Reeves' upcoming film, The Batman. Bruce Wayne died with his parents, all that was left was Batman Reply. The "Gotham: Dawn of Darkness" tie-in novel retconned him as being 14 when his parents died. D. His parents were wealthy philanthropists in the high society of Gotham City. who was raised from birth by her abusive father to be the ultimate killer and had to watch a man in agony as he died at a young age!. In some versions of the. Bruce Wayne and his parents are leaving the theatre. This incident changed Bruce's life forever. His parent’s death changed everything for him and made him driven to become the Batman. The Pre- Crisis Earth-2 version of Bruce Wayne lived a long life and died as the Commissioner of Gotham City before suiting up a final ill-fated time, and the New 52 's Earth-2 Bruce Wayne died when Darkseid invaded his world. " —Bruce Wayne[src] Bruce Wayne is the only son of the late Thomas and the late Martha Wayne and the heir to the Wayne fortune. Bruce Wayne rescued Dick by adopting him as his ward, because the boy did not want to replace his deceased father with the billionaire. By age 14, Bruce was writing forged letters that granted him admittance to schools and academies around the U. And that's a problem. Los Angeles Times. Right now, fans of superheroes and actors named Robert Pattinson are eagerly looking forward to the upcoming premiere of The Batman, marking Pattinson’s debut as our 11th live-action Bruce Wayne since Tim Burton’s seminal 1989 film. Bruce Wayne was once worth approximately $100 billion. Biography []. During his infanthood, their family butler, Alfred Pennyworth, would take care of him when his parents were away, with the two developing a strong bond as a result, as well his father's friend Dr. If Gotham runs on a normal timeline for comic book tv shows, that would mean that by the fourth season, Bruce would be somewhere around the age of 15. first issue of batman and robin new 52 says a september night at 10:48. Thomas escapes to Earth 23. Bruce Wayne, who witnessed the murder of his billionaire parents as a child, swore to avenge their deaths. The Batman is finally here, and as with every new iteration of the Caped Crusader, fans wonder who were the true culprits of the Wayne murders. Brandon Spink as 9-year-old Bruce Wayne, as seen in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. and Gordon being a rookie on the force. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Although he has no super-powers, Batman's powers of deduction combined with his obsessive determination combine to make him one of the most feared crimefighters in the world. My grandpa was feverish, sweating profusely and dreaming, while dreaming, he was crying, calling for his mother. Later, Terry was confirmed to take over as Batman on Earth-12 and Earth-992. Lex Luthor originally appeared in Action Comics #23 (cover dated: April 1940). PATSTOCK / Getty Images. Death. His mother, Marlene, was German, from Kassel. Listeners would later find out that the now-adult Bruce created this version of Thomas Wayne. Thomas was transferred to Arkham Asylum and eventually recovered from his injuries. He can die from the same things that could cause any of to die. However, in the tie-in novel, 'Gotham: Dawn of Darkness', his age is given at 14 in season 1, which would put him at around 17 in season 4. A 37-year-old Bruce Wayne would imply a Batman at the peak of his crime fighting career, with over a decade of. Bruce donates probably AS MUCH money as he puts into his gadgetsTerry McGinnis was created for the television series Batman Beyond. In the 2003 DC Comics series Batman: Gotham Knights, one Gotham City child services worker finally decided to investigate Bruce Wayne and all of his. At 41, Bruce stands at 6 feet 2 inches tall and weighs 210 pounds. In Tim Burton’s 1989 film, Bruce is around eight years old. you don't want a character like Batman to actually be over 95 years old -- Bruce Wayne's b-day has. which means his parents died around age 10 for him. Here, Thomas Wayne is shot, but in this account, Martha Wayne has a heart attack and dies. As an adult, Bruce travels the world seeking the means to fight injustice. Although Bruce saw no real value in mythology at this point in his life, the story remained in his mind until he realized to his surprise that he related to. How old Bruce Wayne in each season of Gotham? We know he was 12 when his parents died but what about the rest of the seasons?The remainder of his portrayals come from Bruce’s flashbacks, and the perspective there is limited because Bruce was only eight years old when his father. Matt. I knew him for less than 4. Just like Batman: Year One takes place over the course of 12 months, it can be deduced that Bruce Wayne was approximately 26 years old when he became Batman. , the son of Wayne and his unnamed wife whom he married in 1949. We all know the story by now: Ever since little Bruce Wayne’s parents were murdered before his very eyes, he’s dedicated his life to. He knows that Bruce is secretly Batman and aids him. (Earth-3839) Bruce Wayne Jr. Discover the rumors and controversies about their son's origin and identity. When his dad died he didn't get anything at all. Batman is the alter ego of Bruce Wayne. Chilton had two grown sons of her own, and young Joe shortened his last name to "Chill" when he fell into a life of crime. Year Three 10 year old Dick Grayson sees his parents murdered. so I assume he was between 28-30Joe Chill first appeared in Detective Comics #33, which told Batman's origin. His story is well-known. Bruce Wayne was a planned television series focusing on a young Bruce Wayne before he became Batman. Thomas Wayne was an important figure in. Dick stayed true to himself enough to be the father to Damian Wayne that Bruce never was for him. My main character will be Evangeline Wayne, or Evan. Warning! Spoilers for Batman/Superman #18!. Anybody could be Batman, as long as they have the wealth to support their crusade. In the Batman comics, Bruce Wayne’s parents are killed when he is just a child. Top Most 11+ How Old Was Batman When His Parents Died [8] How old was Bruce Wayne when he became Batman? [9] Batman (Bruce Wayne) [10] How Old is Bruce Wayne? [11] I Just Wish I Knew How Batman’s Parents Died [12] ‘Shrek’ or ‘Zoolander’? Theories abound over what movie Bruce Wayne’s parents were killed after seeing in. Roman Sionis, a former business executive and mafia boss who originally hated Bruce Wayne rather than Batman, wears a black wooden mask and leads the Sionis Crime Family, also known as the False Facers. While Bruce Wayne was the first Batman, the second Earth-2 Batman is Thomas Wayne. Joquin Phoenix’s Joker doesn’t kill Bruce Wayne’s parents outright, but he does. In the Tim Burton film of the nineties, it was the Joker, Batman's arch enemy that was responsible for the deaths of Bruce's parents. Instead, Bruce was raised by his uncle, Philip Wayne who often left him with Mrs Chillton, who was also the mother of his parents’ killer, Joe Chill. In most versions of the tale, however, Bruce is between 8 and 10 years old when his parents are killed. The death is just an excuse to do it. Batman Forever. *10:47pm. Batman R. Alfred bails soon to be 18-year-old Bruce Wayne from a London police station, after Bruce has gotten himself into another fight. After killing several prominent figures in Gotham City, The Riddler eventually sets his sights on Bruce Wayne as a stand-in for his father. Richard Grayson – 23 Years Old. All 15 times. The Batman is finally here, and as with every new iteration of the Caped Crusader, fans wonder who were the true culprits of the Wayne murders. It’s from Bruce Wayne, congratulating him on his father’s victory. 9. Bruce's parents are extremely influential figures in his life. Subscribe now for more Gotham clips: Detective Comics #235 (by Bill Finger, Sheldon Moldoff and Stan Kaye), Batman sees some old home movies and remembers that his father actually dressed up as a Batman years earlier. In order to ease his wife's concerns that the circus might frighten Tim, Jack Drake asked to take a. Alfred became the sole person. October 16, 2022 by Marjorie R. Amassing a vast fortune, Thomas and Martha Wayne did their best to help make Gotham a better place. He had love, and they took it from him. Conclusion. Wayne is a corrupt doctor who works for the Mafia in Gotham City until he fakes his own death, deceiving his son about whether he has survived. Eight-year-old Bruce retreated into himself for a long decade, and in that time Alfred got a good sense of what his boy needed. The Waynes were shot by a mugger in an alleyway after leaving a movie theater. Tim Drake the 3rd Robin. Batman R. It leads to Batman and Robin, a muddled mess of a sequel in which Batman continues to be Batman for no real reason beyond, well, a billionaire needs a hobby.